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Youthful Tendency Disorder a Hoax?

Since we ran the “YTD – A Global Epidemic!” article on Monday, we have been getting faxes, phone calls, emails, and even a request from someone wanting to know if they plan to make Juvenol for dogs!

We have been asked numerous times, “is this real?” Many just can’t believe that anyone would actually subject their child to a dosing of this psychoactive drug called Juvenol.

Think About That!

Does the thought of putting our vibrant and energetic children on dangerous mind altering psychotropic drugs sound like lunacy to you? Do we have a prescription drug problem in the United States as a result of the drugs that are real and are being pushed upon our youth?

For those of you not familiar with the Onion, I apologize for not making it clear as to their methods of reporting news. If you ask me, it’s more real than our “real” outside-in news.

Take a look at their Health Headlines:

The Onion: Aspirin Taken Daily With Fifth Of Bourbon Greatly Reduces Awareness Of Heart Attacks

The Onion: Marijuana Linked to Sitting Around and Getting High

The Onion: More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed with Youthful Tendency Disorder

While YTD and Juvenol may not be real, the problems we are facing today as a result of massive pharmaceutical mind and body snatching are very real and it’s no joke.

Oh yeah and guess what?

Chicken Butt! @ 11:28 am | Article ID: 970684117


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