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Informed Vaccine Choice Insulted on NBC’s ER

From Dr. Ron Adams

Dear Docs:

I know there are many opinions on vaccines. But I thought I would send this to the hub anyway.

Did anyone besides me see the 2/15 episode of ER on NBC? It was a full-court press PR stunt for vaccination. A non-vaccinated kid was taken into the hospital with measles. You know the drill: quarantine, judgmental indignation about the kid’s lack of vaccination, all the shmarm about the utter safety and efficacy of vaccinations — and naturally the kid ends up dying from an “utterly preventable” disease and his parents’ evil vaccine decision.

I am going to write a letter protesting their treatment of the issue. It is an insult to the hundreds of thousands of kids that have been killed or maimed by government-mandated medical procedures. And it flies in the face of the near-billion dollars paid out by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program since 1986.

It is a parental decision that should be honored — whichever way the parents decide. Making them out to be societal deadbeats that aren’t doing their “civic duty” is the height of medical bigotry!

I would encourage you to go to the NBC website and register your opinion on this show. Here is the URL: NBC

And please, pass this along to all your doctor friends.

Warmest regards,

Dr. Ron Adams
Jackson, Michigan

From Dr. Steven J. Silk

Good Afternoon Chiropeople,

Some of you have already received notification of the recent pro-vaccination condemnation of non-vaccination rights on the most recent episode of the NBC show ER. For those who have concerns with our right to refuse vaccination being taken away, you may want to take a moment to contact NBC to make your own comments. Here’s mine.


I feel that I must take the time to comment on the most recent airing of the NBC drama “ER”.

I recognize that the main goal of any show of this type is to entertain, but it is apparent that it is also your intent to make social commentary. I applaud your attempt to often take on “hot topics” for our contemplation. The writing of the series has often presented the neutral viewpoint in such cases, allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusion. There has been little need to “preach to” or “condemn” a secondary point of view, as the situation most often speaks for itself.

I find my indignation at your not having followed this method of presentation this past week to have brought me to correspond with you now. The content of part of the story-line of the episode in question (air date 2/15/01) that has me concerned is based around the child who died from complications of Measles. While the scenario of death from this disease state, though extremely rare, is real, the angle of blaming it on the parents for failing to vaccinate their child is prejudiced against the democratic right of Freedom of Choice. It is also not in step with a growing amount of research which indicates that not only is the “Vaccination Mandate” not delivering it’s promise of better health, but in fact the repeated introduction of trace amounts of toxic chemicals into our children’s developing bodies may be causing more harm than good.

I would invite you to visit the website “” to peruse the list of research papers, professional opinion papers and media reports on the down-side of vaccination. I might also suggest two well-researched books for your consideration:
“Immunization: History, Ethics, Law and Health” by Catherine Diodati and “Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research” by Viera Schiebner.

Both have volumes of documentation to back up their conclusions on the misguided concept of “Vaccination as Sacred Cow”. If you can look at both sides of this issue and give the information an unbiased review, and still come to the conclusion that vaccination is a good thing, then you will obviously proceed with further shows in a similar vein. However, should you come to the same conclusions that I and many other well-educated people have, then I encourage you to proceed as your conscience guides you.

Thank you for your time and energy on behalf of the multitude of people you influence with the shows you present.

Dr. Steven J. Silk
Wiarton, Ontario, Canada @ 8:40 pm | Article ID: 982557650


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