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Critical Mass Has Jumped The Fence

It seems as though a day does not go by that we do not see news regarding vaccination awareness, vaccination injury, or changes in vaccination policy.

Although many of us have been following this news for several years now, a change has occurred just recently that is sure to pour fuel into this already heated fire.

The change comes from the media and the way they cover vaccine related news. Just a few months ago, newspapers, news commentaries, and corporate news websites always seemed to include info such as “a small fanatical group claims…” or “even though vaccination is medicine’s greatest success…”

The media is in the eyeball business, they want you to read their stuff. For years they played to the dollars of the medical community to push their topics and ideas, but a new day has dawned. Why do business with the joker when you can deal directly with the kings and queens?

Through whatever mediums were used in the past, the world has figured out that there is some sort of issue associated with vaccines. Not everyone is quite sure what the issue is but you can count on the media to be there to deliver the goods.

Just yesterday we reported on an article we titled: Kids Contract Smallpox From Discarded Vaccine. When I first noticed the headlines, I thought it was a misprint since in March we reported that “the only known remaining stock of smallpox, had been kept in secure labs in Russia and at the CDC in Atlanta” according to a news report. (Is that what they wanted you to think.)

Here’s what yesterdays news headlines looked like from different sources:

Yahoo: Russian Germ Warfare Antidote Gives Kids Smallpox
FOX News: Russian germ warfare antidote gives kids smallpox
L.A. Times: Smallpox Ampuls Sicken 8 Children
CNN News: Eight children hospitalized in Russian smallpox scare
CNN News: Russian children sick after contact with smallpox vaccine
Yahoo’s Health News: Russian Germ Warfare Antidote Gives Kids Smallpox
USA Today: Kids Ill After Smallpox Exposure
Nando Health/Science: Eight children hospitalized after playing with discarded smallpox vaccine

(all of these articles are available by using our search page and choosing “outside-in news.” Use terms such as “smallpox” or “germ warfare.”)

So eight kids in Russia get sick and it hits nearly every major news feed on the planet including Reuters and associated press. Do you think that the media is aware of what’s going on?

Be sure to read the differences in reporting from Reuters and the Associated press. One quotes a health official stating that there “was no risk of the children catching smallpox.” What?

Children getting diseases from vaccines that are supposed to prevent the diseases they were created for? Bizarre, outlandish, unthinkable, impossible, or just another part of today’s news? @ 10:57 am | Article ID: 961523821


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