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Dear Chiropractic Past, Present, and Future

The following was written on August 8, 2002. Though the timing is late, having written this in August, I find it important to show my thanks and love as we begin the rest of our lives in this truly wondrous profession.

By Travis Robertson

The following was written on August 8, 2002. Though the timing is late, having written this in August, I find it important to show my thanks and love as we begin the rest of our lives in this truly wondrous profession.

As I sit here, this night of August 8, 2002, reflecting on what was said at opening ceremonies I become inspired. Inspired by something deep inside of me. This inspiration, stimulated by tonights events caused me to think about where I am today. Not only in the physical sense but mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as well. So much has happened to me in the last two years I have been a student at this institution. Or better put a member of this family, this Palmer family. I would have liked to know DD, BJ, and Dave on a personal level, to interact with them, to bounce ideas off them. I would have liked to do all those things in a time when this profession was just starting out and developing. But alas those times have passed and those people, we are so proud of, passed as well. That which I would have liked can never be.

Instead of what I would have liked I get to do and be a part of what I love, chiropractic here and now. To help it to continue to develop now, but keep the big idea at the core, so that those down the road have even more knowledge to build off of. So that they have even more advantages. So that they have even more opportunities to promote this profession that we all owe a great deal to.

I feel that I pay a great deal of money to go to this school. However, the realization I came to tonight was that I, by what I have gained in just the two years, have already received far more, from Chiropractic Past and Present, then I will ever pay back in loan payments when I am done. In a time when students feel that they are paying too much I think about what I have received, what we all have received if we chose to accept it. I think about the fact that I am not just learning a profession to make ends meet, to pay the rent, to put my kids through school. That is not why I’m here. This is the way of life that I have adopted. It will forever influence my life and that of my family from now forward. I am indebted to this school, this profession, this lifestyle and not in a monetary way, as some see it. I am indebted in a way of deepest thanks that cannot be given a price. Long after the loans are paid off I will still be reaping the benefits of what I have learned. And for the candle of knowledge that was lit two years ago, and continues to burn stronger and brighter every day, it is for this that I am eternally grateful.

There’s a quote that says, “We inherit the land (Chiropractic) from our parents but borrow it from our children.” Treat it well present Chiropractors for one day you will have to return it.

Eternal thanks to Chiropractic,
Travis Robertson, present student @ 9:00 am | Article ID: 1044550822


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