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Doubts About My Doubts by Stew Bittman

By Stew Bittman, D.C.

I have my doubts about my doubts. This is wonderful news. For most of my life, my doubts were just about the only thing I didn’t doubt. I doubted myself and my abilities, my place in the universe, God, chiropractic, anything that couldn’t be “proven” scientifically.

These doubts, seeming so real to me, defined my life. Unfulfilled, choked with fear, numb to life and its bountiful rainbow of feelings, seesawing between seeking answers and seeking a coma through the use of chemicals. Fortunately, there was always one subject on which Innate consistently burst through my menagerie of doubts – my wife.

Hillary saw things in me that I never knew were in there: a spiritual nature, a large capacity to love and to be loved, a healing consciousness, and a love of speaking and writing. These turned out to be the very things I needed to become a successful, principled chiropractor.

Strengthened by her faith in me (and mine in her), and buoyed by her vision, I have learned to express them a lot more. In the process, most of my doubts have evaporated. Interestingly, a list of my remaining doubts includes science.

And my doubts? How could I not doubt my doubts, when everything I used to doubt now forms the foundation of my life? Overcoming doubts, for me, was and is a matter of seeing a bigger and bigger picture, of slowly recognizing the intricate and magnificent conspiracy that is going on in my behalf. Of having a sense of purpose and a mission to serve something greater than myself, and of noticing not only that the whole of creation is involved in that same pursuit, but also the phenomenal blessings that accompany such a pursuit.

Our recent trip to Costa Rica was just another example. I think back on how I originally got involved in the mission trips, and realize that at the time it seemed like luck. That’s also how it seemed when I originally met my wife, when I originally got involved in chiropractic, indeed in just about every impactful event in my life. Hmmm.

Mas Vida!

In order to help others shed layers of interference between them and their Innates, I must continue to do the same for myself. I continue to confront and release things that no longer serve, like my doubts. As a chiropractor, it’s not difficult.

There is nothing I know of that is more loving, more naturally right, more simple, more whole, or more life-changing than our principle and our adjustment, when applied with love. When I am in the “adjusting flow”, I feel the rhythm of life, and I feel the winds of Spirit at my back.

The miracles of the universe continue to unfold before my eyes, directly from my heart. My Innate continues to dance with all others’ in perfect harmony, and my life flows on with abundance and joy. There’s no doubt about it. God’s deck is most definitely stacked. @ 10:22 am | Article ID: 961003328


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