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Mixed Valentine’s Day Messages

Start looking for love on this chiropractic website, and you're bound to find many topics. Earlier last week, the staff, and I were going through Valentine's Day posts from previous years, and doing some searches for topics related to a love for chiropractic, and/or love for life. Many heartwarming messages were discovered amongst the millions of 0s and 1s of data stashed away in our news archives. Here's a brief collection of articles from years past that touch on these topics.

By Michael Dorausch, D.C.

Start looking for love on this chiropractic website, and you’re bound to find many topics. Earlier last week, the staff, and I were going through Valentine’s Day posts from previous years, and doing some searches for topics related to a love for chiropractic, and/or love for life. Many heartwarming messages were discovered amongst the millions of 0s and 1s of data stashed away in our news archives. Here’s a brief collection of articles from years past that touch on these topics.

bronze statue with dove (photo: a bronze statue of a dove being released into the sky – taken in Mexico)

Earlier this week we had a post that featured 5 Valentines Day Ideas Your Chiropractor Will Love. After speaking to numerous women today, I discovered that chocolate (the good stuff) is still high and list of desired indulgences for Valentines.

Last week there was a brief review of love and service content, which resulted in the creation of Chiropractors are Great Lovers of Life, a post full of links to some great archived articles.

There were more articles found, such as the February 14, 2001 post titled: A Valentines Message For You, which features valentines messages from 16 chiropractors, including ones like this…

I chose Chiropractic for the money. Soon I figured out that Chiropractic chose me. Then I figured out that I was really helping people for love, not money. I was shown by some of the most successful Chiropractors that if you take care of your patients, they in turn take care of you. It is a universal law. What you give you will receive back many times.

Maybe if the colleges would accept students on their love for humanity instead of love for financial success there would be no question to the outside world about what Chiropractic is about. – Dr. Robert Ciprian

This chiropractic love letter, Let Me Count The Ways, was authored by a chiropractic assistant in Canada, and it was first published on February 14, 2002.

While this next post came from the month of November 2001, it was authored by a lover of all things lovable. Dr. Stew Bittman and his message to My Fellow Lovers of Chiropractic is just as fitting today as it was nearly 6 1/2 years ago.

Dr. Sharon Gorman of Pennsylvania authored a post in December of 2003 that suggests chiropractors should Love Your Chiropractic Life.

Dream what the life of your dreams would look like. What is your purpose? Are your living your purpose today? Realize that you have choices concerning how your life turns out yet realize that you are not in charge.

All the way back to August of 2001 I discovered a post of all the things one Idaho chiropractor, Dr. Madeline Behrendt, loved about chiropractic. The post was simply titled LOVE, and it includes lovable things like tableface, Cash practice, Spizz, and the Adjustment.

Another fitting post from Dr. Sharon Gorman in 2003, Love-A-Monday-Morning-Message, talks about love and relationships, and being an open vessel of God’s love.

I even found a mushy Valentines 2001 article authored by Yours truly. The post, It’s All About The Love talks about Valentine’s Day being a day of love, and how every other day should be like it.

Then there is another post from Sharon Gorman about Taking Care of (Chiropractic) Business. She states: Wouldn’t it be nice if we could go into our chiropractic office and love, serve and give all day without dealing with insurance companies and taking care of some difficult patients and having to manage the business part of your office. Yes yes yes!

Sharon continues… I find the loving, serving and giving to be the easy part. The trick is to be able to deal with all the other parts and still feel like being a loving, giving and serving kind of person. A spectacular post!

All the best to you, and may you enjoy a Valentine’s Day 2008 you’ll never forget. @ 9:30 pm | Article ID: 1202967059


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