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Prescription Drugs and Surgery

The Best “First Aid” on Planet Earth
By Sid Mouk, D.C.

The power that made the body can and will heal the body of all dis-eases and diseases known to man, given no interference. This is the basic premise upon which the God-given science, art, and philosophy of Chiropractic is founded.

However, in the wake of the New York City tragedy we can once again appreciate the fact that life-saving prescription drugs are also God-given substances which can greatly help the body in need of First-Aid and emergency care (which we may all need at some time in our lives) and can sometimes save lives after an injury or during a health crisis.

But we have to maintain a proper perspective in this situation. The medical profession is for First-Aid and Chiropractic is for Healing. Both can have their place in our lives… but Healing is, by far, the more important!

M.D.s got into trouble years ago when they started trying to apply the same principles that served them so well in First-Aid (chasing and suppressing symptoms) to the healing of the entire body. They are rapidly finding out that no matter how well symptoms are treated and suppressed, this type of care will never heal the human body. And the American public is also rapidly learning this same lesson. Add to that the horrendous side-effects of the powerful medications now being produced by the drug companies and you not only have a situation where health is not being restored to the patient, but also more than 180,000 people (by conservative estimate) in this country (the USA) are being killed every year from the taking of drugs that were prescribed for them by MDs.

Because of the power of the medical politicians and the money being made by the drug companies over the past 50 years, a new definition of “Health” was established in this country. “Health”, in the eyes of MDs and much of the public whom they have so rigidly educated, has come to mean simply an absence of symptoms… if you can get up and around and you don’t hurt too much, you’re considered healthy. Constant fatigue, severe recurring emotional upsets, chronic digestive problems, poor muscle tone, lower back pain, headaches, cardiac malfunctions, and a little dizziness now and then simply mean that you’re “getting older” (as an orthopedist recently told a 27 year old patient to explain why his treatment of her whiplash injury was not getting results, “You’re no spring chicken anymore!”).

A revolution in Healing is now taking place in the western world and people are no longer accepting this medical “definition” of Health. It’s being fueled by the intuitive human understanding that our potential is so much more, that our bodies are wonderfully made self-healing mechanisms that can live to an advanced age in an excellent state of health both physically and mentally. Like the candle burning brightly from beginning to end, then flickering briefly, and going out… with dignity. Health is and always will be an inside job (above down, inside out) and not something that can be gotten from a drug. The public is rapidly realizing this. The Health Revolution has started and the rallying cry behind this powerful movement is “I’ve been given a miraculous body, it’s mine and I’ll take the responsibility for it!” (not the drug companies and certainly not the MDs, most of whom don’t have a clue as to the potential healing capacity of the human body.)

It’s time for all of us in the western world to stand up and let the sellers and pushers of drugs know that we appreciate their life-saving medications (which make up only 25% of the drugs being sold and used in this country) but we say NO to using their drugs for other purposes and turn en masse to a better way of health, a way that allows us to express our highest potential in both physical and mental health. To the medical professionals, we say, “Thank you for the First-Aid help you’ve given us and will continue to give us. You’re the best in the world in emergency care… but we now realize that your expertise stops there. Total Health in body and mind is our birthright and we now claim it!”

The people of the western world are ready and they’re searching for a better way to provide the dynamic health they’re finally beginning to realize they’re entitled to. Are we ready for this onslaught of millions of former medical patients who are fed up with the overuse of prescription drugs and their dangerous side-effects, and are looking for a way to live longer in vigorous good health, and to feel good about what they’re doing for their bodies?

The patients are coming and they’re searching for what we offer. Let’s be the very best at correcting the spinal subluxation, let’s tell the Chiropractic story at every opportunity, and let’s allow healing in the multitudes of sick people who so desperately need us. That’s our mission here on Earth!

We’re a “chosen” profession. We are all “chosen” Healers (we wouldn’t be in this profession if we weren’t). We in Chiropractic are the right people in the right place at the right time in the history of Healing. We have the philosophy and knowledge we need, we have the necessary tools and techniques, and this profession has stood the test of time. Let’s make the early pioneers in this profession proud of us… Let’s Do It!

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Dr. Sid Mouk practices in Baton Rouge, Louisiana @ 7:22 am | Article ID: 1007392940


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