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Step #9 to a Hundred a Day

By Dr. Rick Wren

Success Principle #9 (Always call new patients) is actually easy to do, but makes doctors sometimes very nervous. The new patient should be called on day 2 after the Report of Findings and the First Adjustment. The doctor should never ask, “How are you doing?”. This question infers that the patient should notice a difference already. When adjusting chronic subluxations, you never know if the patient will feel differently after the first adjustment. Sometimes the patient could even feel worse.

The proper approach is, “I called to see if you had any questions about your Report of Findings or your Home Instructions.” In most cases they will have no questions and thank you for calling. If they state they feel better or worse you say, “I expected that.” Which is the truth. Anytime you adjust vertebral subluxation complex that has been there for years, many different natural physiological processes can occur. Even a 16 year old can have subluxations that have been there since they wrecked their bicycle at 6 years of age.

The patient will be impressed that you cared enough to call them at home. This is a critical step towards the Financial Report on day 3. The patient will feel much better investing time and money with a caring, loving doctor. This makes the patient’s decision to stay with the doctor long term much easier.

Attach a 3×5 card to their travel card with the patient’s name, phone number, and major complaints. After giving the new patient their first adjustment, slip the card in your pocket to call that evening. Some doctors call on the drive home with their cell phone.

This principle is so simple, but is so important. If you happen to forget to call on day 2, call them sometime the first week. A phone call the first week still will help the relationship. If 98% of your patients are not considering long term care after day 2, consider getting our 3 day ROF Video/Audio set from the Planet Chiropractic online store.

Start making plans to be in San Diego in late June ( @ 1:32 pm | Article ID: 1019593946


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