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The Over Diagnosis of ADHD

Several articles appeared on our outside-in newsfeeds yesterday regarding the overprescibing of Ritalin and other psychoactive drugs. Now that the heat is on, everyone is beginning to look for someone to blame for the senseless drugging of our children.

From Yahoo news comes the headline “Subcommittee Told of Overdiagnosis of ADHD in Schools” and from Your Health Daily, the headline reads “Psychiatrists Say Schools Steer Parents To Over Medicate Kids.”

According to the articles, US public schools have been abusing the system by labeling children with ADHD so that they can classify them as disabled and make themselves available to collect federal funding.

Financial incentives to put your kids on drugs? According to the Yahoo article, some schools were receiving $400 annually per “disabled” child up until 1997 when the law was changed.

According to the article, Republican Representative, Robert Schaffer said that “what we have are perverse incentives that tell schools to put kids on drugs because there is money in it.” That’s basically the case isn’t it?

The article states that the question was asked whether the illness of ADHD, “is simply an excuse for psychiatrists and drug companies to label unusual children and create a market for health services and medications.”

According to the YourHealthDaily article, a doctor said that “instead of identifying and meeting our children’s education needs, we’re diagnosing the behavior and drugging the children. (They) need people, not pills. They need improved relationships with parents and teachers, not drug-blunted brains.”

Who is to blame for the drugging of our children? The federal government, the public schools, the teachers, the parents, the MD’s, the drug companies?

I can tell you one thing, it’s not the children. It is absolutely sickening to think of the millions of kids that are growing up in this twisted and distorted environment. Not only are they being drugged, they are being drugged for money.

It does not have to be this way. There are ways to raise your children free from dangerous drugs, toxins, and poisons. It’s your responsibility to get educated on the issues that affect your child’s health and well-being. The alternative is ignorance.

Yahoo News: Subcommittee Told of Overdiagnosis of ADHD in Schools

Your Health Daily: Psychiatrists Say Schools Steer Parents To Over Medicate Kids @ 4:54 am | Article ID: 970574083


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