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The Secret To a Million Dollar Practice

Dr. Bruce A. Parker

A client contacted me with the following question. When I began to answer it, I decided it would be a good topic for a THOT.

“Last weekend when we were together, you told me that you have a client that wants to build a million dollar practice. That really has made me think… what would a million dollar practitioner act like?

I will tell you, for me that’s the issue. I have been attacking a bunch of areas in both my practice as well as myself, and have been cleaning them up since this weekend. How does a million dollar doctor think? That is what I am asking myself. I can tell you some things they would not do; because I fell, I have been thinking my way out of success at times. It is amazing how I want it, but must be afraid of it. I now think I am finding the answers. Thanks for showing me the path.”

It is true a THOT is a thing. No matter the THOT, positive or negative. I have found the million-dollar practitioner has learned the fundamentals of operating a practice, has a sound business plan, and has mastered the application.

The last of all the fundamentals to learn, seems to be the hardest to both learn and implement. Yet in actuality, it is the easiest and most rewarding. So why would anyone NOT do a step that has proven to be the most liberating and profitable step in personal and business growth.

As I reveal (what your educated mind already knows) the step, be very honest with your self and observe all aspects of your life and practice in which you have not taken this step. Also, notice that by not taking this step how it has stopped your growth, and in most cases is the only step left for your practice to take off to the stratosphere!

Imagine how a new practice seems to immediately shoot up… then the great plateau sets in place.

What happens is we will only rise to our level of competence. At first, it is our competence to handle the physical properties of our practice; later it becomes our ability to handle the mental aspects of our practice. Ultimately, it is the ability to transcend our practice from a physical expression between you and patients. The physical practice is focused on “how good we are in what we do as Chiropractors”, on each “treatment” or visit.

The spiritual experience is not about mysticism or rituals. Simply it is the experience between patient and doctor with the co-understanding that chiropractic increases the “tone” of the nerve. This vibrancy resonates in the body to bring cellular order. Each adjustment brings them closer to uniting their body the physical with their own innate expression, the spiritual. When they are “adjusted” (which literally means to bring order), they will no longer express dis-order; and begin to express order (health). They both have the understanding that Chiropractic is not about six treatments to get rid of pain. They understand that true health is achieved by adopting a Chiropractic lifestyle, which includes regular Chiropractic “adjustments”, attention to diet and exercise as well as a positive thought process. It is through this process, they will regain true health.

When a Chiropractor comes to that understanding, and is able to communicate this to a patient with understanding, they will now have a completely different experience of their patients, than they did when they were still “treating” for pain control. (You still may need to address those pain issues, but that it is part of the patients journey from Chiropractic the physical to Chiropractic the spiritual). It is at this level of understanding that all blocks from growth end. The only blocks are those caused by the doctor if they have limited their vision of the practice.

What holds us back?
Lack of systematic procedures installed, trained and implemented. This causes a physical capacity block. We simply are not efficient enough to manage the day-to-day operations of our practice because of actual blocks in time, space, and matter, caused by us! You can only do so many things when you are micro managing everything in your life and practice. Discussing each patients special requests, figuring out how to satisfy and appease them, answering repeat questions from staff, dreading your paperwork, etc. etc. etc. You simply run out of time and energy, and your practice stops at your level micro-management ability.

What do we have to do?
Learn a system that has proven to work and implement it. If you don’t feel comfortable with a given procedure realize it is your fears, and not that the system is bad. In fact, usually the things that you are most afraid to do would have caused your patients to have greater commitment had you followed through. If you would have required this commitment they would become easier to handle thus removing some blocks in your capacity, thus giving you time to expand. The doctor and staff require commitments to assigned actions, to implement the proven system.

The second requirement is for the facilitators of the practice (doctor and staff) to demand the patient to commit to what is required of them to get well. If they are not given a system to follow that will result in their ultimate wellness or are not held to that system they will not get well, and they don’t eventually respond to your care in a noticeable way, they will get bored, discouraged and ultimately will quit. In addition, do not expect them to refer others.

Now you get to go and learn more ways to get new patients, just to survive.

The secret is to demand commitment from yourself, your staff and ultimately your patients to understand the true benefit of Chiropractic. It is so much more than a back pain treatment, and you are so much more than a technician or therapist. You are their coach and it is your responsibility to show the path and keep them on it. This will cause the momentum required to get the million-dollar practice.

Next, you must let go of doing all the micro-management. You have trained your staff. Assure yourself they understand, and then perform that last action I said is the secret to your success.

Trust in your procedures, trust in universal law, trust in your chosen and well-trained staff… Then let it go!

Success is a shedding process. The more you hold on to everything the less you will grow. Let go and let GOD!

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As a business consulting firm serving the Chiropractic profession, Parker Professional Management is the gateway to a Chiropractor’s dream practice. You will discover powerful new strategies for building value and success into your practice, as well as your personal life. Parker Professional Management can assist and solve any challenges you may have. We would like to hear from you concerning any of your needs. @ 6:20 pm | Article ID: 1011838818


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